Lift Me Up (Bella/Stiles)

Stiles entered the principal’s office with caution, his hands wringing together as he stood by the door. “Principal James, how are you? How are the wife and kids doing?”

The principal sighed, his tone already sounding exasperated as he spoke. “Sit down, Stillinski, I don’t have all day.” He pinched the bridge of his nose as he spoke again. “You’re becoming a senior next year, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to graduate.”

Stiles froze, his hands stopping their movement and his eyes widening. “What do you mean? I’ve met all my requirements.”

“Not all of them, you’ve missed a significant amount of Lacrosse practices junior year, so your Physical Education credit is invalid. In order to graduate you would need to take P.E. next year, but with your dual enrollment classes we can’t fit in the class.”

“There has to be something I can do. I can join another team,” Stiles offered sitting forward in his chair to lean closer to the principals desk. “I can run track or do… something.”

“There’s not any teams that will take you, I checked.” Principal James responded he set his glasses down on the desk leveling Stiles with a stern look. “You’re a good kid and I want you to graduate, so I worked out a plan. I’m hoping you’ll just be open to the idea.”

“Anything, I can’t tell my dad that I might not graduate. At this point I’ll join the girl scouts if it means I get to graduate.” Stiles responded in a rushed tone. 

“I’m glad to hear you say that.” Principal James replied pulling out a sheet to hand to Stiles. “One of your classmates has recently won an award at a national competition, but next year she wants to compete in a team category. You’ll have to work over the summer to catch up and make up some hours, and if you do an hour or two a day during your senior year, I’ll be able to count it as credit.”

Stiles nodded excited, not bothering to look at the permission slip. “Sure. What is it?”

“It’s dance.” Principal James responded slowly wanting to make sure the boy knew what he was getting into. “You’ll have to learn a few routines and compete. You don’t have to win the competition, you just have to show that you practiced and that you competed.”

“I can’t dance.” Stiles responded with a frown, thinking back to all the time he had tried and failed to get his feet to work properly. “You’ve seen me on the field, there’s a reason I don’t play.”

Principal James smiled, “I’m aware, but Isabella is a remarkable dancer and has been training since she was in pre-school. She’s confident in her ability to be able to train you, she’s assured me that she can handle training you.”

Stiles sighed, he needed to graduate, he wouldn’t let himself disappoint his dad again. “When do I start?”

-Page Break- 

Stiles sighed, laying himself across the ground, his harsh breathing filling the empty space. “I can’t go on.”

Bella crossed her arms over her chest, standing over the boy. “We’ve barely been warming up. Stiles, I need you to try.”

Stiles groaned as he moved to sit up, but his muscles ached as he tried to stand. “How can you still be so hopeful. I have two left feet, I’m not the best partner.”

“Let’s try again.” Bella replied offering her hand to help Stiles stand. “I know it’s hard, but trust me, you’re getting better. A couple weeks ago you couldn’t even get through the warm-ups, we just have to keep practicing.”

Stiles sighed allowing Bella to pull him up, “Okay. Fine, let’s do this Bellarina.” He took in a deep breath and as the music started again he followed Bella’s movements doing his best to keep up with her. Her feet moved quicker than Stiles could comprehend and as he moved to try and do the spin she was moving into he fell again, his back hitting the ground with a loud smack.

“I hate this.” Stiles moaned moving to lie on his stomach to take the pressure off his back.

Bella sighed shutting the music off before she sat down besides Stiles on the floor. “We’re two weeks into training and the school year, we have time to practice, Stiles. You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself, stuff like this takes time.”

“You’re wasting your time with me.” Stiles mumbled, his arms crossed under his head, he couldn’t look at Bella’s face and see the disappointment.

Bella lightly pushed him. “You’re the one wasting my time if you can’t see the improvement. I’ve been doing this for years, dancing is a second language to me, you’ll get there if you just try. Now get up, let’s go again, I think I’ve figured out what’s causing you to fall constantly.”

-Page Break- 

Scott frowned as he looked down at the list of players on his team this year. “Stiles, dude, you’re not on here? Did coach make a mistake?”

“I’m not doing lacrosse this year.” Stiles responded with a shrug of his shoulders, trying his best to sound casual. “Coach said I missed too many practices last year.”

Scott frowned, a look of guilt gracing his features. Stiles had only missed practice because he was always helping Scott and the pack. “I’ll talk to him, get you back on the team.”

“Scotty, man, it’s fine. I never played anyway.” Stiles replied quickly, his tone shifting, trying to get his friend to leave the subject alone. He didn’t want anyone finding out what exactly he was doing in order to graduate.

“But what about your phys. Ed. Credit?” Scott said with a frown, not catching Stiles shift in tone and deamnor “All the other teams for the semester are full.”

Stiles nodded, his head tilted away from his friend, doing his best to ignore his questioning gaze. “I know man, Principal James and I worked out a deal. I’ll do some extra curriculars for the rest of the year to make up for the time I lost last year and for this year. I’ll be fine.”

Scott paused, his enhanced hearing catching the change in his heartbeat as he lied. “What are you going to be doing?”

Stiles shrugs, “Nothing big.” He pointed in the direction of their friends as they approached their lunch table. “Look, Allison is here.”

Stiles sighed his body sagging against his lunch seat in relief as Scott was distracted and the topic was sure to be left alone. His eyes roamed the cafeteria surveying the students, but eagerly trying to spot the one student he would rather be talking to. He smiled, seeing Bella enter the cafeteria, a small group of friends with her, she was smiling grabbing a lunch tray and heading towards the line. Stiles’ brows furrowed in confusion as he realized one of those friends was Erica. He had always thought the only person Erica liked to hang around with Boyd, but apparently Bella was part of the select few who could be considered Erica’s friends.

-Page Break- 

Bella sighed in frustration as she reached over and turned the music off. “That’s enough.”

Stiles frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. “I was doing what you said.”

“No, you were messing up on purpose.” Bella replied with a frown “They’re simple ballet moves and you’re doing them all wrong so that’ll give up and move on to something else. You do know men can do ballet too, right? You’re not going to lose any masculinity points if you do the moves correctly.”

 “If men do them all the time, why am I the only one willing to be your partner?” Stiles replied his shoulders tensed as he glared at Bella.

Bella nodded her hands turning to fists as her anger grew. “You’re right, I don’t need a partner who’s not willing to learn the dance moves. I’ll keep telling Principal James we’re dancing, but don’t worry anymore I’ll just do the solo competition again.” Bella turned grabbing her gym bag before moving to exit the stage. 

Stiles didn’t respond for a moment, deciding if he should stop her not. He sighed out and began to hurriedly move after her, grabbing her arm as she reached the doors. “It’s just weird doing this. I’ve never danced in front of anyone and when I get frustrated or scared, I act out. You’ve been doing this since you were a kid, people are used to you being the embodiment of grace and elegance, it doesn’t work that way for me.”

Bella paused searching Stiles face for a moment before she spoke. “This isn’t easy for me either, I get stage fright all the time. And I know it must be awful doing something so out of the norm, but trust me when I tell you that you have what it takes to win. If the idea of your friends finding out that you’re now a competitive dancer makes you feel uncomfortable, I promise you that they will never know.”

Stiles moved forward giving Bella a brief hug. “I’ll do it right this time.”

Bella nodded, “Good, regionals are in a week and we need to win that tournament in order to go to nationals.”

-Page Break- 

Derek frowned as he noticed a certain spastic teen wasn’t at their pack meeting. “Where’s Stiles?”

“He had some work to do at school.” Scott said with a shrug. “He’ll be around when he’s done.”

Erica smirked from her spot on the couch, she knew exactly what Stiles had stayed behind to do at school. It was no secret that she was protective to those she liked and when she had begun to catch the scent of Stiles on Bella she had to find out what was occurring between the two. Afterall, Bella was one of the only people who was her friend before the bite that had caused the change in Erica’s appearance and social status. She had been weary of Stiles since the moment the two had met, but after seeing him dance and interact with Bella, Erica had to admit Stiles wasn’t so bad afterall. 

It was her new opinion of Stiles that she had truly began to see the boy as pack. Erica had begun to help hide Stiles secret, much to Stiles’ confusion at first, she only wanted for her friends and pack to be happy and it was obvious Bella made Stiles happy and vice versa. At their regional competition Erica had dragged Boyd along to cheer Bella and Stiles on. She had briefly seen Stiles dance, but on the stage with Bella the once twitchy and clumsy teen had transformed into a graceful dancer. 

Stiles had danced with a grace and precision that they hadn’t seen before. It was also the longest either of them had seen Stiles go without saying a word. When they finished their dance, Erica had been the first to stand and applaud for the pair. 

In the parking lot, she had purposefully run into Stiles before the boy could reach his Jeep. His startled and embarrassed face had been expected, but Erica hadn’t been expecting the scent of fear that was emanating from the boy. She understood then that keeping this part of his life a secret hadn’t been out of embarrassment but of fear he would be mocked and ridiculed for something he obviously enjoyed doing. 

“You were good out there.” Erica complimented softly, doing her best not to intimidate the startled boy. “You and Bella were breathtaking together, congratulations on your win. I’m taking Bella out to eat, you should join us we’re heading to Katy’s.”

What really cemented her newfound admiration for Stiles was the way he acted around Bella. He wasn’t overly sarcastic, he wasn’t defensive or jittery, he was happy. She could smell the contentment flowing off the pair, and if they weren’t already dating, she would bet everything she had on the fact that they would soon be together. 

Erica grinned as Stiles ran into the loft. “Saved you some pizza, it’s in the microwave.”

Stiles smiled, “You sweet angel.” He said as he stalked towards the kitchen. No one noticed the sweet smell that was coming off of Stiles, or the fact that Stiles hadn’t flirted with Lydia in months, he didn’t even pay the red head too much attention. No one really noticed the change in Stiles, but Erica did, and she was happy to see it. 

-Page Break- 

Bella reached over and took Stiles’ hand in hers, intertwining their fingers together. “You’re going to do great out there.”

Stiles nodded, his nerves rising with every passing second they waited for their moment on stage. “I’m sorry if we don’t place, Bellarina.”

“Have hope.” Bella said with a smile. “We can do this, Stiles.” She reached up and lightly ruffled his hair. “Erase everything from your mind, all that matters right now is this dance. Give it your all, and they’ll notice your hidden talent.”

Stiles smiled his heart racing rapidly in his chest as he looked down at Bella. “Thanks for the confidence boost.”

“Anytime.” Bella responded with a grin as she and Stiles moved onto the stage to get in their positions. 

Erica moved through the seats and sat beside the Sheriff and Bella’s father. “Gentlemen.” She said with a nod of her head.  John turned his head to see that Derek and his pack had tagged along with Erica, he cracked a slight smile as Erica leaned over Boyd to reprimand them. “Shut up, idiots, our high school is up next.”

The pack sighed, none of them understanding why Erica had chosen to attend a dancing competition in Los Angeles as the activity for their pack bonding night, but they would indulge her. They all turned to the stage as the curtain was lifted and two dancers appeared. As the music started, the wolves inhaled in surprise as they recognized the male dancer’s scent.

John couldn’t help the warm smile that crossed his face as Stiles began to dance. “He’s good.”

“It’s like they’re movements are synced.” Erica responded with a smile. 

The pack watched as the music changed in a second, the dance changing to a more ballet form of style. Erica grinned in amusement as she watched the identical looks of shock and awe on her pack’s faces. No one had ever thought that Stiles could move so gracefully, or that he could even do something so demanding without flailing about. 

Erica turned to Boyd with a smug look as the pack watched as Stiles lifted Bella into the air with what looked like ease. “Their faces were worth it.”

Boyd smiled kissing his girlfriend’s temple before turning back to the stage as the curtains fell and the crowd cheered. “If they don’t win, they definitely place.” He heard Eric whisper to him before she stood and cheered along with the crowd. 

Stiles breathed heavily as he tried to catch his breath, he couldn’t help but smile at the cheering. “We weren’t terrible.”

Bella laughed, her cheeks red and her hand resting above her heart to feel the rapid drum of her heartbeat “No, we weren’t. Let’s go get some water.” Bella led Stiles away as the last performers started their routine. She couldn’t help but grin as one of the stagehands congratulated her and Stiles on a job well done. 

“If we don’t win, we’ll at least place.” Bella reassured Stiles. “Thank you for doing this with me, Stiles.”

Stiles smiled, “Thanks for not giving up on me, I wasn’t always the best partner.”

Bella smiled widely, “You were the best I ever could’ve wished for.”

Bella stood by Stiles’ side as the awards were being announced. When second place had been announced her heart fell at the realization that they hadn’t placed. She smiled as Stiles held her hand tightly. “I’m sorry I didn’t get you your trophy.” Stiles whispered his face pulling into a frown. 

Bella shrugged, “With or without a trophy we were great.”

Stiles went to speak, but his heart froze as their names were called. They looked at each other with matching wide eyes, neither had suspected they would win the competition. Stiles led Bella on stage, his face reddening slightly at the cheering, he was sure his dad was just as surprised as him. He looked up as confetti fell from the ceiling and he and Bella were being congratulated by all the other dancers on stage. 

He walked Bella off stage, before engulfing her in a tight hug. “We won, Bellarina, we did it!”

Bella grinned, “I told you practice makes perfect.” She held tightly to Stiles’ hand as they pulled away. “Thank you for doing this with me.” 

They exited the stage area, having to take some pictures and a bit of an interview before they were able to find their families. Bella looked over her shoulder as Stile’s friends had engulfed him with praise, pulling him away from her. 

When she moved again her dad was standing in front of her with a bouquet of Roses. “Thanks, dad.” Bella replied moving forward to hug her dad. 

“Amazing as always, kiddo.” Charlie replied sincerely as he watched his daughter leaning into the roses to take in their smell.

“Want to go get a bite to eat at some diner?” Bella questioned with a smile. 

“Not yet, I got a surprise for you.” He said gesturing over his shoulder. 

Bella slowly grinned as she realized who her dad had been speaking about. Bella moved and ran over to the man and embracing him in a tight hug. “Edward.” Bella said with a grin as he picked her up and returned her embrace. “You’re here! Why are you here?”

“To see your competition.” Edward responded with his regular dazzling smile as he set her down gently. “It’s night now, so I think we’re safe to get a bite to eat together”

Bella looked at her dad who wasn’t following after them. “Aren’t you coming along?”

Charlie smiled, “We can celebrate tomorrow, I have to get back to the station.”

Bella smiled and hugged her dad one last time before she walked off with Edward. “You came all the way to the sunniest state just to see me?”

“It’s your senior year.” Edward responded with a smile. “I had to come for this. The Volturi will survive without me for a few days. Your father and I have been planning this since you won regionals, he said your partner and you were astonishing together.”

Bella nodded, “Stiles is amazing, he was completely clueless when we started, but he really picked it up. Did you see him out there, Edward? He stole the show.” She blushed at the knowing look Edward gave her, she decided it would be perfect time to change the topic. “Did I tell you that I got accepted into the school of dance in England? I don’t think I’ll accept, but it’s amazing that I got in, right?”

Edward smiled placing his hand on Bella’s back as he led her out of the crowd and to his car. “Have you decided on where you’re going? You know money isn’t an obstacle.”

Bella rolled her eyes, but didn’t comment on the money issue, she knew Edward long enough to know it wasn’t worth it. “I have decided. I think I want to go to Harvard for their pre-med program. I’ve already started looking into dorms, but I haven’t decided anything for certain.” 

“You’re not going into the dorms, they’re dangerous.” Edward responded as he opened the door for Bella. “But Harvard is a good choice.”

Bella smiled, “How is Italy? Are you doing well there? Sometimes I have the feeling you’re just trying to hide how it really is there just to make me feel better.”

“I’m Aro’s golden goose, it’s good there.” Edward responded with a smile. “It’s not as bad as Carsile always made it seem. They do feed on humans, but Aro allows me to keep my diet,  he says he doesn’t want me going off the deep end if I return to human blood. Aro lets me continue to play the piano and many of the guards enjoy the music rather than the silence. I’m happy in Italy.”

-Page Break- 

Edward approached the loft parking lot with caution, he had just stepped out of his car when the werewolf pack was arranged around his car. Edward pulled the Volturi necklace out from under his shirt and placed it on his chest before he spoke to the wolves. “I don’t mean any harm.” He tried to keep his demeanor was non-threatening as possible. “I just wanted to tell you that I would be in the area for the next few days. My mate is graduating soon, and I wanted to be here to support her. I’m a member of the Volturi coven in Italy, and I can assure you we don’t want any problems.” 

Derek straightened out and glared at the man. “Your mate? Who is she?”

“Isabella Swan.” He turned to Stiles. “His dance partner earlier this evening. I’ll be leaving once the graduation ceremony is over. I can promise not to kill any humans in the area, I’m just here for her and then I’ll be gone.

Stiles’ shoulders sagged and he headed back inside, suddenly his win wasn’t all that important.

Edward paused as the boy’s thoughts hit him suddenly, his face scrunched up in confusion, but he didn’t say anything, just spoke to the alpha to get the permission to stay. With Derek’s permission Edward got back into his car to return to the Swan home, he made a mental not to talk to Bella about the boy. Edward knew by the way Bella spoke she was taken with the young man, and if anything were going to happen between Stiles and Bella it was clear Bella would have to be the one to make the first move. 

-Page Break- 

Bella grabbed Stiles’ hand and stopped him before he had time to avoid her. “Edward’s a mind reader.” She said quietly. “He could hear your thoughts.”

Stiles frowned and his cheeks reddened. “I’m sorry about that… I just thought too much about the way we danced. It sort of felt like there was more there, and I guess I just let my mind get away with me.”

Bella smiled, she moved forward closing the distance between the two of them and kissing Stiles. Her hand wrapped around his neck to bring him closer, she felt his arms wrap around her waist and couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. 

Bella pulled back resting her forehead against Stiles. “Edward is my mate, technically, but we’re not anything more than friends. Edward doesn’t like physical touch and he’s not into romantic feelings, so we always remained friends. But I would like to be more than friends with you.”

“This is the worst timing.” Stiles said with a frown as he wanted this when he had time to explore the relationship, he didn’t want it to start and end on their graduation day. 

Bella laughed softly. “I don’t leave for my internship for two weeks, we have a bit of time to just enjoy this, before we’re both off on different paths.”

“I didn’t take you for someone who believed in cheesy romantic clichés.” Stiles responded as he glanced down at her. “Is there were you say that if we’re meant to be, we’ll be.”

Bella grinned, “I can write my number down in a book and you can spend the next few years searching for it, if you really want to go all in with the romantic clichés.”

Stiles laughed, pulling Bella in closer. “That sounds good.” He spoke before leaning down to reconnect their lips together.

-Page Break- 

Bella headed into the isolated book shop/café, “Morning, Steve.” Bella said greeting the elderly man behind the counter. 

“Usual, dollface?” The older man questioned already turning to make the tea Bella always got. 

“Please. I have midterms to study for.” Bella responded moving to sit in the back of the shop. She was reading a book when she felt someone set something down at her table. “Thanks Steve.”

“Has it been so long that you forget my name? I thought we were meant to be.” A familiar voice said. 

Bella looked up with wide eyes, a small smile spread across her face. “It’s hard to forget you, but I am curious about what you’re doing here.”

“MIT is nearby.” Stiles responded sitting down across from her, “I got a full ride last minute from a private donor.”

Bella smiled widely, knowing deep down that Edward was more than likely involved. “That’s perfect.” She responded with a sincere grin, “Harvard is infuriating, do you want to study with me and maybe get dinner afterwards?”

“As long as we get some Chinese.” Stiles responded pulling out his own textbook. “I have been craving it all week.”

“Fine, but I get to the choose the restaurant we go to. I don’t trust some of the seedier looking Chinese places around here.” Bella replied unable to keep the smile off of her face. 

“Sounds fair enough.” Stiles responded. “Do you have a highlighter? I have a ridiculous amount of stuff to remember in this thing.”

Bella handed him her highlighter before she turned back to her book. She couldn’t help but smile as somewhere along the way the two of them began to move their feet together under the table. 

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