UPDATE! A few Recyclables and some other news


Sorry this has taken so long… it’s been quite some time. I’ve graduated, gotten a job and I’m writing again, so I decided to post some stuff.

I’ll hopefully be adding more on Wednesday, but hopefully this is enough for now.

Let me know what you think and how you are.



Lift Me Up (Bella and Stiles)

Is It Over? (Bella and Derek)

None of my Buisness (Bella and Tony)

P.S. To everyone who reached out to me, thank you. Also, I’m on AO3 now, since some of my works getting stolen and being published there, I decided to just post them there myself. If you prefer to read on A03, you can find me at BiteMyTongue_Ade. I don’t have Everything posted there yet, but slowly I’ll get everything up.

Posted on April 4, 2022, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Hey Ade,
    It’s good to hear from you. I’m so happy that your classes are complete and you’re settled in with your new job and feel like writing again.
    My daughter and I are doing OK. We’re both still dealing with the day to day of having MS in our different ways. Reading is still my go to escape. 🙂
    I just finished re-reading your Reaper stories the other day and was wondering about you. (Hopefully your muse lets/encourages you to work on that story some.) LOL But finding the time in your life to write anything these days is wonderful.
    I’m looking forward to reading your one shots tonight. 😉 Be safe.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for commenting! I’m happy to know you’re doing good and that you’re still interested on these stories. I also re-read reaper twins and after I finish Heavy Soul I want to get to work on finishing that story too.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Salut! Heureuse de te lire à nouveau…
    Tu m’as manqué, j’ai relu tes histoires en attente de nouvelles.
    Contente que ta vie aille bien.
    Fais nous rêver à nouveau


  3. Ade!!!!!!
    Me alegra un montón que hayas vuelto!!!!! Y felicidades por acabar los estudios!!! 💜


  4. So glad you are doing well and back. 😘

    Liked by 2 people

  5. So glad you are doing good and back!

    Liked by 1 person

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