Monthly Archives: April 2017

UPDATE! Heavy Soul Chapter Nine!


Well this was a little late, but I’m hoping to have another update by Friday! Sorry, but I’m taking a speech class, and I hate it. I’ve had to write three speeches in the last few weeks and present them, I’m dying!

Anyway, chapter nine is now up and I’m hoping you all really like it!

Chapter Nine: Night People

Tell me what you think, and I hope you enjoy!

Till Next time,

P.S. I was thinking of starting to post sneak peeks again, what do you think? Tell me what you want to see, and I’ll start writing. I was also thinking that instead of sneak peeks I would write short 500 word snippets of any pairing or story you wanted to see. Please tell me what you  think! If you like the idea of snippets I can write an example tomorrow, just give me a pairing.