None Of My Buisness (Bella/Tony)

Peter tensed as he opened his bedroom door, he shifted on his feet as he saw his older sister sitting on his bed waiting for him. “Look, I can explain…”

Bella stood her arms crossing over her chest as she looked at her younger brother. “You accepted a suit from Tony Stark, but not from me.” 

Peter froze as that wasn’t what he was expecting, he thought she would be giving him more of a lecture about fighting with superheroes. “I – um…”

Bella stepped forward and grabbed the bag from Peter’s hands. “This suit isn’t even suited to you.” Bella replied looking at the suit in the bag. “He’s going to be tracking you now, you’re his sidekick now.”

“I’m not…” Peter frowned stepping into his room and closing the door behind him.

“Whatever.” Bella responded handing the suit to her brother and moving to exit his bedroom. 

“Are you mad at me?” Peter spoke softly holding the suit made for him by one of his heroes. 

Bella smiled and ruffled the boy’s hair. “I’m just upset, my suit was better than this and it came with no strings attached.”

“But now I have a chance at being in the Avengers!” Peter replied with a grin as he looked at the suit. “I could be a big-time hero now.”

“Pete.” Bella spoke moving and sitting her brother down on the bed. “You don’t need the Avengers to be a hero. You’re already a hero, Pete.”

Bella leaned over and kissed her brother’s temple. “I have to get to work, but when I’m done, we’re having a serious conversation on dangerous situations, because fighting Captain America isn’t an everyday thing.”

“I love you!” Peter called out with a smile. “Your suit is too good for me.”

“Damn right it is.” Bella muttered with a smirk as she left the apartment. 

-Page Break- 

Tony frowned as he inspected the black and grey suit Peter was wearing. “Where’d you get the suit, Peter?”

Peter frowned at the question shifting from foot to foot as he answered his mentor. “It’s mine.”

“Don’t lie to me, kid.” Tony responded with a frown. “You were wearing a sweatshirt and sweats before I came along. Where did you get the suit, kid? It looks high tech.”

Peter looked down at his gloved hands and frowned. “I… I’m not supposed to say, Mr. Stark.”

Tony frowned approaching Peter, worried that the kid was messing with the wrong kind of people. “Are you messing with the wrong people, Spidey?”

Peter looked down as his suit began to glow white the closer Tony came. “I think this means I should get going.” Peter responded shooting his webs and flying away from the scene, mentally thanking the suit for the quick getaway. 

Tony glared after the boy, wanting to know whether to follow him or to try and figure out who was supplying him with the suit. He decided the latter would be the easiest option for him at the moment. He went back to his lab and began to get video feed from anyone who had gotten close to Peter in the last few months. One brunette kept coming up in the feed and Tony was more than curious to find out who she was and what she was doing hanging around Peter.

With research Tony discovered her name was Isabella Swan, and apparently, she was a genius who worked at bar and happened to be Peter’s half-sister. Tony suspected with the girl’s background she was the one supplying Peter with the tech. To test out if he was right or not Tony decided to bring it up to Peter.

“How’s your sister doing?” Tony questioned leaning against Peter’s door frame to his room. 

Peter stood, his eyes wide and his heart beating out of his chest. “Mr. Stark… I…” Peter fell back on his bed. “You can’t tell her… she’ll kill me.”

Tony smirked, “You never mentioned your sister was a genius or that she knows how to get you a state-of-the-art suit that rivals the suit I gave you.”

“I’m not supposed to speak about it, Mr. Stark.” Peter replied with a sigh of frustration. “I would like to tell you, believe me Mr. Stark, you’re my hero, but I gave my word to Bella I wouldn’t speak about her to anyone.”

“Let me look her suit over if you’re going to keep using it.” Tony replied stretching his arm out for the suit. 

Peter shook his head. “I can’t do that.” Peter held the suit tightly in his hands. “My sister is in this suit; she would never forgive me if I let you look at it. It’s the equivalent of letting you read her journal.”

Tony sighed, “Fine, kid.” Tony threw Peter the suit he had made for him. “I’ve still got my eye on you.”

-Page Break- 

Tony entered the bar and looked around the place, unlike most bars in New York, this one seemed to be quiet. The bar was packed, but everyone was on their phones or their laptops, soft music in the background filled the quiet, but compared to other bar scenes this place was the strangest one Tony had ever walked into.

“I’m looking for an Isabella.” Tony spoke getting the attention of the security guard. “Mind pointing me in the right direction”

The man looked at Tony, recognition crossing his features, but as soon as it was there it was gone. “Sorry, no one here by that name and if you don’t have an invitation, I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

Tony stood up straight ready to argue but was interrupted by a voice breaking the silence. 

“Let him in, Ricky.” A woman spoke approaching. “He must want something if he walked in here, I’ll take him to the bar and see who exactly he’s looking for.”

“Sure thing, B.” The bigger man spoke. “Signal if you need anything.”

Bella grabbed Tony’s arm and led him to the bar. “You’re going to sit here for a moment, nod your head and then get up and leave.” Bella spoke softly. “If you want to talk with me, you’ll meet me outback in 5 minutes for my break.”

Tony watched for a moment but out of curiosity did as he was told, he left the bar and headed to the back of the bar. He looked down at his phone to pass the time while he waited for her to appear. 

“Oh.” Bella said curiously exiting the bar and placing a wedge on the door, so she didn’t lock herself out. “You actually waited…”

“Well, I do want to speak to you.” Tony replied putting his phone away. “It’s about your brother.”

Bella sighed crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m not going to tell him to stop his afterschool activities if that’s what you want. Nor am I going to let you look at the suit I made for him, that’s none of your business. If you think I’ll come between Petey and the Avengers your wrong, that’s his dream and I won’t stand in the way of that. If you want to mentor him, go ahead, but if anything happens to my brother nothing will stop me from seeking revenge.” Bella looked at her watch knowing her break was coming to an end.

“Well, this was fun, Stark, but I have a job to get back to you and you no doubt have to get back to being the famous Tony Stark of New York.” Bella replied with a smile. “It was a pleasure to meet you, but please don’t come back to my place of work and stay out of my life and away from my suit.”

-Page Break- 

Tony looked up to see Bella at the entrance of his penthouse. “How did you get in?”

Bella shrugged, “I have magical powers that allow me to control things such as technology.” She looked at Tony for a moment before sighing. “I need your help.”

“Last time we met you asked I stay out of your life.” Tony replied with a smirk setting his tablet down to give Bella all his attention. “What’s in it for me?”

Bella sighed, “I’ll give you the blueprints to Petey’s suit, my suit.” Bella replied with a frown. “I’ll let you do whatever you please with it.”

Tony smirked, “Must be something big if you’re willing to hand over your elusive suit.”

“If it weren’t important, I wouldn’t be here.” Bella replied crossing her arms over her chest. “I need your team to do something.”

 Bella moved placing a hard drive in Tony’s hands. “Tomorrow night, you all need to be here at 7pm. Have medical staff waiting by and be prepared, it’s not pretty.”

Tony looked down at the hard drive. “You could have given this to Peter, he would hand it over. Why come straight to me?”

“I don’t want anyone knowing I was the one who handed that information over.” Bella replied with a crease in her brow in frustration. “If Peter had handed it over it could easily be traced back to me. If I give it you, you can lie circles around people and keep them away from knowing who gave you this information.” 

Bella smirked at Tony, “Go be a big superhero and save the day. Once this is done, you’ll find the suit at your doorstep, I promise.” She moved to exit the penthouse. “By the way, super easy to break in, the lady at your front desk didn’t even card me.”

-Page Break- 

Bella leaned against the bar as everyone’s eyes were glued on the TV and they were all sittng on the edge of their seats. They had hacked into a security camera that let them see the warehouse that was soon being raided. Bella sagged with relief when she saw the people that were being rescued, she felt the tears in her eyes when she saw the young girls and women that were being taken to ambulances that were waiting for them. 

Bella smiled when she heard the cheering that was filling the bar, all their hard work had paid off and they had done something good. 

“Round one on me!” Bella shouted to the group starting to make the drinks. Exciting chatter filled the room as everyone watched what was left of the Avengers walking cuffed men out of the building. Bella felt a relief of pressure in her chest knowing that the largest human trafficking ring in North America was busted. The bad guys were being locked up and finally lost children would be returning home. 

Bella watched the TV again seeing the faces of the girls that were being rescued and kept in mind that handing over her suit was worth it to help those girls go home. Bella fell into the happy atmosphere of the bar enjoying the chatter and the celebrating. She kept pouring drinks and with the help of her security by one in the morning everyone was in cabs and on their way home. 

“You want me to walk you home.” Ricky questioned as he slid on his coat watching Bella lock up. 

“I don’t live far, I can walk.” Bella replied knowing the walk would do her well and help lower her rapidly beating heart. “Thanks for the help tonight.”

Bella moved patting the man on his shoulder. “See you later!” Bella moved and started the walk home, by the time she reached her door her heart was beating at it’s normal place and she was eager to get to bed. 

Bella rolled her eyes at the figure sitting on her doorstep. “I told Peter to hand over the suit in the morning.”

“How did you find them?” Tony questioned standing to face Bella. “How long did digging up all this information take you? We have enough to convict over a hundred men and we rescued over 300 people. How did you know?”

“Secrets are meant to be kept, Tony.” Bella replied pushing past him. “You want a cup of coffee? I’m a little wired and could use the company for a bit.”

“Are you going to tell me how you did all this?” Tony replied with a frown as he followed her into the house.  

“Will you keep the secret if I tell you?” Bella replied setting her bag down in the living room gesturing for Tony to take a seat. 

“I didn’t mention where I got the information when I was questioned on it, so I think I can keep this secret too.” Tony responded taking a seat on the couch. “No one had any idea this trafficking ring even existed until we came in.”

Bella waved her hands and all the lights in the house turned on. “Do you want coffee, tea or soda? I would offer liquor, but I don’t drink.”

“You’re a bartender… I’ll take a coffee.” Tony stated as he looked around what he could see from the apartment. The living room was large, and comfortable. The bookshelves were filled, and he could see the coffee table was storing an abundance of board games. He guessed this was a place where people often came to be together. He could see Bella in the kitchen, that was small compared to his own, but it was clean and organized something he couldn’t say for his own.Next, he focused on the hallway, there were three doors, one with a small sign labeled bathroom and unfortunately for Tony’s peering eyes the other two doors were closed. 

Bella handed Tony a coffee before sitting down across from him. “I saw the live footage; your team did great and Petey isn’t that bad, so your suit isn’t awful.”

“How did you know?” Tony asked looking at Bella as she sipped at her coffee. “How did you put all this together?”

“Tony, secrets are meant to be kept.” Bella replied with a laugh. “Why do you want to know so bad? I got you the information and it was true, so that should be enough.”

Tony groaned, tilting his head back and sighing.  “Fine, instead of the suit just tell me how you put this all together.”

Bella laughed, “You’re really that curious?”

“SHIELD, the FBI, CIA, no one knew this ring even existed, so I need to know how you knew.” Tony replied with a frown. “I want to know how you discovered it and not the other geniuses.”

“Fine.” Bella replied setting her mug down on the coffee table. “But whatever is said here stays between us, Tony.”

Tony nodded leaning back ready to hear all the details. “Just start from the beginning and I’ll hold all my questions till the end.”

“This particular case started with the kidnapping of Cecilia Marshall.” Bella replied her eyes shifting as she remembered the day the poor girl’s father was pleading for anyone to help investigate the case. “We took on the case, it was strange and caught our attention.”

“We?” Tony questioned raising a brow. “You didn’t do this by yourself?”

Bella smiled, “It was a team effort.” She took a sip of her coffee and decided to continue. “Cecilia had gone missing about two years ago, she was on her way home from cheerleading practice and was abducted. No one knew who took her most just assumed she was running away with some secret lover. The police had given up after six months, so Mister Marshall went online looking for help. We started looking into her disappearance and we found a security feed from a camera in the neighborhood that showed Cecilia getting pushed into a car. It took us six months to find her, she was being drugged and trafficked. And with further digging we began to discover this network of people, and we began to uncover patterns and connected missing people cases. And then a week ago, we decided it was time, all the men from the network would be in the states, for an auction of sorts.”

“Why not take this to the police?” Tony questioned. “To the FBI.”

Bella laughed, “We’re not exactly what the FBI want, Tony, they see us as nothing more than vigilantes putting their lives in danger and messing things up. If we were to report this to the FBI or the police directly, they would start keeping tabs on us, if that happened we can’t continue doing this.”

Bella sighed and thought of all the people they helped and didn’t want anything to come in between that. “We needed this to be taken seriously, so I went to you.” Bella spoke with a smile as she looked at the older man.  “And you did what we wanted, you got the bad guys and gave so many people their lives back. Cecilia wasn’t the only girl who had her life taken from her, Tony, there were so many kids…” Bella shook her head not wanting to get taken into a negative set of mind. 

“You do this as a part time job?” Tony questioned confused. 

“None of us get paid for doing this.” Bella replied sternly. “We do this because…” Bella shook her head and took in a deep breath. “We all have our reasons, but we don’t get paid for doing this. We all have our day jobs that keeps us going.”

“Where do you meet?” Tony questioned curious to know how serious this was. He looked at the face Bella made and realized it was a stupid question. “That’s the reason your bar requires invitations.” 

Bella smiled widely and nodded, “We’re open to the public on weekends, but weekdays are for members only.”

“How do you make money?” Tony replied with confusion. “That bar can’t be profitable enough to be closed the majority of the week.”

“Donors.” Bella replied with a shrug. “There are a select group of people that know of what we do and donate to keep the bar running and keep us going. Besides, it’s my bar, I can do what I want with it.”

Tony hummed more questions coming to mind, but the adrenaline from his job earlier was fading away and he felt too exhausted to continue the conversation.

-Page Break- 

Bella moved and entered Stark towers easily moving through the system Tony set up and making her way to his lab. 

“Hey.” Bella greeted entering the area, she smiled as she startled Tony enough for him to drop the Stark tablet he had been working on. 

“How are you getting past my security?” Tony hissed in frustration as Bella still hadn’t let him know exactly how she was getting access to the more intimate parts of the building. “You’re going to tell me someday.”

“I already told you.” Bella replied with a smile wishing Tony would take her seriously. “I have magical powers that allow me to control things such as technology.” 

Tony rolled his eyes. “You’re a menace.” He fired back with no real heat behind his words. “What’s going on?”

“I decided to stop and ask if you wanted to join me for dinner.” Bella replied her heart beating in her chest, she had finally come around to the realization that she liked Tony in a more than platonic way.

Tony turned and looked Bella over. “I’m flattered, but I’m too old for you, you should find someone more your type.” He moved and turned back to his work. He heard the soft footsteps as Bella turned and left, his heart ached, but it was for the best. Afterall, someone like Bella deserved someone better than Tony. 

-Page Break- 

Tony smiled as his friends and family gathered together for dinner, it was nice to see those he cared about together. Tony glanced down at his phone checking again if he had gotten any message from Bella, she had been a little distance for his liking since his rejection. He knew she was working on another big case, so he sent her message to ask about, he’d do anything just to get her to speak to him again. A part of him was getting desperate enough, he was contemplating asking Peter about Bella. 

Speaking of the boy, Tony watched as he stood abruptly, “Where you going, kid?”

Peter smiled, “Oh, umm… I just saw Bella enter that café across the street and I wanted to go say hi. Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon, Mr. Stark.” Tony watched him disappear and run across the street. He kept his eyes on the others at the table but kept glancing across the street to see if he would be able to see Bella emerge from the coffee shop. 

Instead, he saw Peter exit with a small box in his hands and the boy looked over the moon at the contents. “What do you have there, Peter?” Pepper questioned seeing as the boy kept looking down at the contents. 

“Oh, its’ a gift.” Peter said turning the box around so the others could see. “It’s a custom smart watch that I can wear while I’m in my suit, so that I don’t have to carry my phone around. Look, the band is made from similar material as my suits and it’s the same color, it’ll be easy to blend in.”

Tony scrunched his brow as he knew Bella would never get Peter something with that color scheme. “Who gave it to you, kid?”

“Oh, Edward did.” Peter replied easily moving and placing the watch on. “He’s an old family friend.”

“And he knows about, spiderman?” Happy questioned curiously. “I thought no one knew about your identity.”

“Well, my sister does, she’s known since the first day and well, Edward sort of always knew by default.” Peter replied with a shrug. “They were engaged to be married when I got my abilities, and he was there when I told my sister about it.”

Tony felt his chest tighten at the words but didn’t speak about it. Instead, he turned his attention back to the group trying to keep his mind off the girl. 

When dinner was over Tony offered to take Peter home, knowing if he didn’t the kid would just take the subway, which didn’t seem like the best option at this time of day. “Come on, kid, I’ll give you a ride back to May’s.”

“Actually, could you take me to Bella’s?” Peter replied getting into Tony’s car. “She said I could come over and hang out with her and Edward tonight, and May agreed since there’s no school tomorrow. If I’m lucky, I’ll be able to hang out with Edward and Bella all day tomorrow.”

“You’ve known this guy for a while.” Tony commented with a frown. “Yet your sister isn’t married to him.”

“Oh, they called the wedding of. No one really knows why, but they never walked down the aisle.” Peter replied with a shrug playing with his watch.  “They remained friends though, and Edward is family so seeing him is always nice.”

Tony didn’t respond, just watched as the kid began to play with his new smart watch. When they appeared at the building, Tony insisted he walk Peter to the door, he just wanted to see Bella for a moment. 

When they reached the door, a russet haired man opened it and smiled at Peter. “Hey, Pete!” He greeted. “You got here in time, I was just setting up some game console and I’m lost, kid.” 

“I got it!” Petr replied with a smile. “Thanks for the ride, Mr. Stark.” 

Tony waved the boy off and turned back to the man. “I’m Tony.”

“Edward.” The man replied taking the offered hand. “I’m Bella’s sugar daddy.”

Tony froze at the man’s remarks. “Excuse me?”

“Stopping be weird, you freak.” Bella responded pushing Edward out of the way. “Now go help my brother set up that stupid thing you insisted on getting.”

“I insisted because your apartment is boring without a gaming system.” Edward replied with a smirk, he leaned down and kissed Bella on the temple. “How do you even get by without me?”

Bella rolled her eyes and turned to Tony with a smile. “I’m alright if you came to check up on me.”

“You haven’t answered my texts.” Tony replied simply. 

“Yeah, my phone fell into some water and it’s not exactly turning on right now.” Bella replied leaning against the doorframe to her home. “I’m getting a new one tomorrow, so don’t worry I’ll go back to responding to your inquiries on my work tomorrow.”

“Everything is okay between us?” Tony replied eager to hear the answer. 

“Everything is good, Tony.” Bella replied with a smile. “I can handle rejection, so don’t worry about me.”

Bella turned her head and frowned as a loud crash came from behind her, followed by an oops by Edward and a chuckle from Peter. “Thanks for dropping Petey off, Tony. I should get back to these two, so they don’t tear up my place. Have a nice night, Tony.”

-Page Break- 

Tony would never admit that he purposely located where Bella was with Peter and Edward so he could accidentally run into them. When he found them, they were coming out of a high-end store, Peter had a couple bags in his hands while Edward had six in both of his, Bella on the other hand was holding a cup of coffee ignoring the two who animatedly talking.  

“We need to get something to eat.” Edward interrupted with a grin. “Pete, you pick. Where are we having lunch?”

“Dude, we have to try to get Bella to eat some sushi.” Peter replied with a grin. 

“Not a chance in hell.” Bella replied with a frown. 

“You know, must sugar babies are eager to please their sugar daddy.” Edward replied getting a small ‘gross’ from Peter. 

“Stop calling yourself that, you are by no means my sugar anything.” Bella replied lightly pushing at Edward. 

“Yet, I buy you pretty things.” Edward responded with a grin wiggling the bags in his hands around.

“Yeah, because I’ve given up on trying to stop you.” Bella replied, she smiled as Peter began to talk about a pizza place, he liked. She smiled as she spotted Tony, she saw how Edward and Peter seemed so engrossed in talking about pizza and what they had bought that they ignored Tony. 

“Keeping tabs?” Bella greeted with a smile as she approached Tony. 

“I merely ran into you by accident.” Tony replied with a smirk. 

Bella raised a curious eyebrow, “Sure.”

“Your friend seems nice.” Tony spoke motioning over his shoulder to Peter and Edward. 

“Yeah, well, we’ve been close since we were kids.” Bella replied with a shrug. 

“Peter mentioned you were engaged at one point.” Tony spoke trying to get more information. 

“We were, but we were young.” Belal replied with a shrug. “It’s not the wisest thing to get married at the age of 18 and especially right after high school. It was better for us both to go our separate ways.”

“Yet for two people who broke off an engagement you seem to be close.” Tony replied bitterly. “Close enough for him to refer to himself as your sugar daddy.”

Bella laughed lightly. “Eddie has not matured with his age.”

“Are you planning to start something up with him again?” Tony spoke quickly. 

“Why are you suddenly so curious about my love life?” Bella replied with a smile. “Last time we spoke about it you told me to find someone more my type.”

“Can I take it back?” Tony questioned with a frown. “In fact, can I take back everything that came out of my mouth that day and give a better answer to you.”

Bella smiled, “No.” She watched his face fall for a moment before adding. “You rejected my offer, so why don’t you make one of your own, properly.”

“Bella!” Peter shouted getting her attention not recognizing the person she was speaking with was Tony. 

“Dinner, tonight at 7.” Tony replied with a smirk. “I’ll pick you up.”

Bella smiled, “I’ll see you then, Tony.”

-Page Break- 

Bella sat on Tony’s bed with her back pressed against his headboard, she was working on her laptop while Tony was somewhere in his lab. She lifted her head as Tony entered the room with a frown. “What has you upset?”

“Why couldn’t I see you through my monitors?” Tony questioned with a frown setting his tablet down by the bed. “I wanted to make sure you were awake, but my computer wasn’t letting me see you.”

“Oh.” Bella replied with a sigh closing her laptop and setting it aside. “Sorry, sometimes I get distracted when I’m working.”

“What are you talking about?” Tony questioned with concern; he rolled his eyes at the look Bella gave him. “Right your magic abilities to control things such as technology.”

Bella raised a curious brow. “Wait, this entire time you think I’ve just been sarcastic?”

“Are you saying you do have these so-called powers?” Tony questioned taking a step forward worried he might have been dismissing a big part of Bella’s story. 

“Yes.” Bella replied moving and standing off the bed, she waved her hand all the lights turned off before turning back on. Bella gestured to the TV and smiled as it came on. “Tony, I thought you knew this entire time!”

“I didn’t know this!” Tony questioned walking towards Bella. “What causes all of this?”

“Edward’s adoptive brother bit me when I was a kid.” Bella replied with a shrug. 

“What do you mean?” Tony replied with confusion. 

“Oh, right.” Bella said with a frown as Tony had out of jealousy refused to know anything about Edward. “You get all jealous when I speak about Edward and then you have this need to sort of mark your territory that I avoid speaking about him with you. But Edward isn’t human, completely, and he has an adoptive brother who also isn’t human. His brother got into an accident with me when I was 14 and well it sort of caused this ability to appear.”

“He isn’t human?” Tony replied with a frown. “What do you mean?”

“Well, Edward is part vampire, his dad was a vampire his mother was human so he grew up as both.” Bella replied easily. “It’s why Eddie and I were always close you know; he was weird and I was weird.”

“I still don’t like him.” Tony responded with a sigh. “But tell me more about these gifts of yours and your good for nothing ex-fiancé.”

Bella laughed, “Oh, are you suddenly curious about my past relationship with Eddie boy?”

“Why did you two break up, really?” Tony questioned as he was finally curious enough to hear the answer from Bella. 

“We started dating when I was 13, Tony.” Bella replied with a sigh. “We were each other’s first and we thought we’d be it forever. It just made sense to get engaged and get married, but after a few weeks his sister and mother started to ask about the wedding plans and it… It didn’t feel right for either of us. I didn’t want to be a vampire, which meant that at one point I would grow old, and Edward wouldn’t. I wanted a life in the city with my brother and we came to the agreement to call it off.”

“How did you stay friends afterwards?” Tony questioned with a frown, as he and Pepper rarely ever spoke after their failed engagement.

Bella shrugged, “I didn’t have the same upbringing as Pete, you know, he always had a stable home, but I was being shipped between two families. When I was a teenager, I decided to just stay with my dad Charlie instead of staying here in New York with my mom and her new family. Edward and his family were my family, they were that stability that I craved. None of that changed when Edward and I broke up, he was still my family.”

“Peter calls him family too.” Tony remarked with a sigh. “I hate that I can see why everyone likes him so much.”

Bella laughed, “Peter sees Edward like an older brother almost, it’s annoying sometimes. If it makes your ego feel better, you’re his hero.”

“Sometimes I wonder how you and Peter are related.” Tony mumbled with a smirk. “As your brother is polite and you are…”

Bella smiled and turned to get back into the bed. “I am a delight to be around.”

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