Monthly Archives: April 2015

Daily Thought: Bella The Witch


I know I’ve been missing and haven’t been posting my daily sneak peeks and for that I’m sorry. Like I mentioned a few days ago in my post about Speechless, I’ve been having some issues. As the days go by, these problem seem to be getting worst. Because of this, I’ve increased in my need to write and I wanted to give you guys something to count as an apology.

I stated in earlier posts that my semester of school ends the fourth of May. This was when I was going to start my new posting schedule, but I’ve changed my mind. Starting this week, I will be posting twice a week. Mondays I will be posting Bella the Witch, and later in the month I will start posting From the Ashes on Mondays as well. When this time comes, I will do the same thing I do with Connected by the Soul and Reaping of New Orleans. I will post a chapter to Bella the Witch one week and From the Ashes the following week. I will keep to Fridays being Connected by the Soul or Reaping of New Orleans posting days.

Today is Monday (close to 2am where I’m at) and the first day of my new posting schedule. So, here it is the long overdue Chapter 17 of Bella the Witch. The Truth Revealed.

This is a special posting because this chapter is for the time being only going to be posted on my site. I will post the chapter to on Friday May first like originally planned. This chapter is my way to apologize for lacking in my posting of Daily Thoughts.

Tell me what you think, and I hope you enjoy!


Daily Thought: Speechless and a Thank you


I’m aware that for the past for days I’ve been silent. I know it’s not fair to do to all of you, but I do have my reasons. School is getting harder due to it being the last of the semester, and I’ve been having some familial issues that just kind of blocked my writing thoughts. I love writing, and it is something that keeps me calm. For example, Speechless wasn’t meant to be over 10,000 words, but it ended up being close to 5,000 words more.

I want to tell you all, Thank you. I realized the last few days how awesome it is to be able to write and know there is someone reading it, even if it was just one person. So, thank you, to all of you who read my stories and review. Thank you for taking the time to read and to write. None of you know what it really means to me. A special thanks to my best friend who let me talk about this story countless time and gave me the best advice!

Anyway, I know what you’ve all been waiting for, so here’s Speechless. Tell me what you think, and I hope you enjoy!



Author’s Note

I’ve worked hard on this story, so I hope you all enjoy you. As usual, tell me what you think, and I hope you enjoy!

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Daily Thought: New Upcoming Story Idea?


I know I haven’t posted yesterday or today, but Finals are getting closer and I’m swamped with work. On the good side of things, school ends officially May 4. It’s so close, and I’m so excited to be done with school. I’ll be able to write more and post more, you guys won’t believe how anxious I am to have this day draw closer. Anyway, I will have Connected by the Soul posted as soon as I can. I still have a few thousand words to go, and then I’ll be done.

I also wanted to let you guys know that I have decided that the one shot I posted last about is definitely going to be… Wait for it… A Bella/Elijah pairing. I really liked the idea of them together in this story. I’d like to thank Trbuie for suggesting the original Elijah. I think this story will be based on the originals more than anything else. I already have a few ideas for it.

Thank you those of you who commented, it means the world to me that you did.

Anyway, here’s a tiny sneak peek into my upcoming multi-chapter story for Twilight/Covenant. I haven’t gotten too far into the story, so the first chapter won’t be posted into the Upcoming stories tab just yet. I also haven’t decided on the pairing, so comment if you want to see Bella with anyone specific for this story.

Tell me what you think, and I hope you enjoy!

Ade Read the rest of this entry

Daily Thought: Choose a Pairing


Last night, at about 2 am, I had trouble sleeping. Like usual, I turned on my music to help me go to sleep, and on my playlist Adele’s First Love began to play. I love this song and it got me thinking of a story idea. For right now, I don’t have an official pairing yet. I’m torn between Klaus or Elijah. So, I’m leaving this up to you all. Would you prefer Elijah or Klaus for this upcoming one-shot or maybe another guy?

Here’s a sneak peek of the story and hopefully you can imagine a pairing with Bella.

Tell me what you think and I hope you enjoy!

Ade Read the rest of this entry

Daily Thought: Speechless Pt. 3


As promised, today I am revealing another snippet of Speechless. This will be the last one, but I hope that because Earth Day is only a week away, it will hold you over.

Before you move on to the sneak peek, I would like to mention that I have scheduled 5 one-shots, if you click the tab 2015, a year of one-shots, you can see which ones are up next.

Now, let’s move onto what we’re all really here for.

Tell me what you think, and I hope you enjoy!

Ade Read the rest of this entry

Daily Thought: Connected By the Soul chapter 15


Connected By the Soul is being updated this Friday! I love this story, it’s one of my favorite stories to write. Today, I got in about 2,000 words written, and I’m very hopeful that it’ll be done by Friday.

While I was writing the story, I remembered this horrible pun I made, and it really just made me want to write more. If you go to the summary of the story, you’ll see the line, “there’s always something fishy lurking around the corner” I found this to be the funniest thing in the world at the time that I wrote it. I still find it amusing whenever I see it and I can’t help but laugh. It’s one of my worst puns ever, but it’s something I’m so ridiculously proud of.

I just thought I’d share that tidbit of information with you guys before I give a look into this week’s update.

Tell me what you think, and I hope you enjoy!

Ade. Read the rest of this entry

Daily Thought: Finding Myself With You


Today was very uneventful, aside from starting the next chapter for Connected By the Soul, I didn’t write too much. I’ve spent most of the day trying to register for next semester’s classes. If you guys don’t know today the new Mortal Kombat game was released. I spent my night at Gamestop for their launch party. It was actually the highlight of my day.

Anyway, I thought I’d give you guys a sneak peek for Finding Myself With You, which will be the Reid/Bella one-shot. If any of you are wondering, I will be posting another sneak peek for Speechless on the 15th.

Tell me what you think, and I hope you enjoy!

Ade. Read the rest of this entry

Daily Thought: Speechless Pt. 2


I was originally going to wait until the 15th to post this sneak peek, but I couldn’t wait that long. I’m too excited for this story that I couldn’t wait to share more with you all.

As you all know, Speechless is a Finn/Bella pairing. I’ve been working hard on this story, and I’m really liking how it’s turning out. I’m close to the ending now, and I can’t wait until Earth Day arrives and I get to post this.

I having a feeling that before the end of the year, I’ll have another Finn/Bella one-shot up. I don’t think Finn gets enough credit, his suicidal tendencies aside, I think he was a pretty amazing character. Here’s a sneak peek of Speechless.

Tell me what you think, and I hope you enjoy!


P.S. I wasn’t going to post another sneak peek to this story, this was going to be the last, but if you want to see another one, just comment and say so.

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Daily Thought: Reaping Of New Orleans Chapter 5


So this is a little late, I won’t try and deny it. I will however explain why this week’s post is a day late. I did finish it last night, but by the time I was done, I had gotten a migraine, and just couldn’t post it. Today, I had some family activities to attend to, and only now had the time to post it.

I hope you all enjoy this week’s post of Reaping of New Orleans. I really liked writing it and getting to write the interaction between the different characters.

For those of you asking, Bella the Witch update is the first of May, and I will be writing more to that story tomorrow, along with beginning next week’s post of Connected By the Soul.

You can read the new chapter to Reaping of New Orleans here.

Tell me what you think, and I hope you enjoy!

Ade. Read the rest of this entry