Monthly Archives: November 2016

UPDATE! It’s a chapter!


Well this is a few days late, but it’s finished now! I’m hoping to have Bella the Witch up this Saturday or Sunday!

The eighth chapter for Hope For the Best is now up and ready for you to read!

Bella’s New Best Friend

Tell me what you think, and I hope you all enjoy!

Till Next Time,




I found it! And by it I mean my writing muse! I found it! It was underneath all my homework and some textbooks! I’ve been writing more and I have a few chapters in the works, that I’m hoping I’ll be able to post weekly on Saturdays or Sundays!

Okay, so for this update, I will first post the link to the first part of the story.


Now, for the close to two year late sequel!

Run Away With Me

Please tell me what you think, and I hope you all enjoy!

Till Next Time,
